A Series of Poems
Fun and Games
My eyes glistening blue.
I remembered hers,
green with a mixture of grey.
Short, blonde hair almost white.
Never would I have thought,
that she wouldn’t be by my side.
All but on purpose,
I was the cause of her silence,
her ending with such a short life.
It was all fun and games,
until the fun tumbled down the stairs.
I remembered hearing only the blowing wind,
no shouting, no laughing,
all with grim faces, streaked with tears.
Mine the same as all the others.
I had lost the only person,
who never made me feel alone.
Who brought joy to my life,
who felt like my home.
People look at me with pity,
maybe because they miss her,
or maybe it’s because they blame me.
these people were also once my family.
now the emptiness is eating me away,
the skies no longer shine bright,
her green eyes haunting me,
at the back of my mind.
One Step Closer
Lifeless blue eyes I know I possessed,
blinking away the unwanted tears,
memories rising up to the surface,
but I push them all back down.
This is a new part of my life,
I have to live, learn from the past,
I can’t hold back any longer.
Or I might never come out.
The past is the past,
I have to forgive my mistakes
and move on with my life,
I can’t let this hold me back forever.
Taking a deep breathe,
I turn away and face my future.
I take a look at my parents,
who have proud grins on their faces,
with that, I know I’ve made it.
I’ve made them proud,
I’m who I wanted to be.
I take the diploma from him,
shake hands, smile for the picture,
and then I know I’ve succeeded.
For the first time, I’ve accepted,
That I’ve changed.
Out of Date
My eyes, sparkling blue,
Full of mystery and change.
Showing I am a new person
I feel myself growing older,
My bones growing weaker,
I am no longer young,
while I am just as active,
I tire too quickly.
There are many times I’m quite alert,
My memory's are still intact.
Then there are those days when I disappear,
And they know it's not an act.
I have become wise and thoughtful.
And so I take my life day by day
forgetting about the dreadful past.
I’m growing older gracefully.
I've taken to ageing like a dog to its collar.
The Claim of the Silent Night
The tired woman's eyes pale blue
Her mouth wrinkled and frowning
She glances with a tear in her eye,
at the empty rocking chair creaking in the shadows
Dreaming about days long gone
Her loves, her dreams, her hopes
All wiped-out.
Reflecting on her lost childhood
The trips to the parks
The days at the sand filled beaches
Laughing til her stomach hurt
Thinking about the many people
she met on her twisting, long journey
The adventures
The experiences
She looked to the darkening sky
fighting back tears of joy
A grin spread wide on her cheeks
Showing the happiness of her past
Her eyes then glazed over
as she smiled into her deep sleep
She laid lifeless as the sun went down
And the dark, silent night claimed her.