Skilager - Ja oder Nein?
In diese Blogeintrag, werde ich über der Skilager diskutieren. Ich werde debatte, ob der Skilager wichtig ist oder ob die Schulen sollte...
The Conundrum of Remaking Originals
This world is full of remakes, remixes or adaptations of original songs or films. Every person has seen at least one remake and possibly...
Zug to Nottingham = Perimeter of a Koch Snowflake
Who could believe that a geometric figure such as a snowflake with an area less than 1cm^2 could have the perimeter of more than the...
“Erwachsenwerden... nur Vorteile, oder?”
“Erwachsenwerden... nur Vorteile, oder?” Ich denke, dass Erwachsenwerden hat viele Vorteile, zum Beispiel, sie mehr über sich lernen....
Can we improve society through arguments?
During our english class, we have begun to discuss how arguments can shape and develop our society. I believe it is very important to...
A Letter To Dr Hewlett Johnson...
Dear Dr Hewlett Johnson, After to reading your statement from 1939, I was shocked to see how a visitor had interpreted the situation in...
Textbooks vs. The Great Outdoors...?
“All learning should take place outside the classroom.” I believe that this statement contains both a right and wrong opinion. I agree...
How Does Literature Affect a Person's Understanding of a Culture?
Reading is the gate-way to learning. If we didn’t read we wouldn’t know as much as we do today. We gain more knowledge by reading and...
The Hunt for An A; Dial A for Academic Honesty!
Linda, Julie and Annebelle’s incredible film on Academic Honesty will change the way you feel about academic honesty. Rating: ★★★★ The...
All About Group Work!
Group work… these two words can make or break your day. Normally, if you are able to pick your groups, you feel fine, but if you are put...